Sydney Durand

Volunteer Engagement & Development Chair

Syracuse University, Syracuse & Belmont

I’m a freshman at Syracuse University, pursuing a dual major in Business Management and International Relations, with a concentration in Public and Environmental Health.​​ At Syracuse, I’m excited to explore several fields to further my understanding of the public health space. I know that my pursuit of knowledge at Syracuse will help me to break down cultural, financial, and language barriers that impact patient health outcomes worldwide. 

I've been volunteering with the American Cancer Society since middle school, and was inspired to action after seeing the impacts of cancer on so many of my loved ones. My little brother underwent surgery to remove rare precancerous cells from his face; my next door neighbor passed away just 6 months after his lung cancer diagnosis. I’ve realized that if cancer has touched so many people within my personal circle, the worldly impact that this disease has must be tremendous. I’ve immersed myself in Relay for Life events throughout my region in an effort to unite stakeholders in raising funds for research and care initiatives. As the event lead for Relay for Life of Cambrian, I was able to quantify my impact on the cancer community. My involvement with Relay for Life was so meaningful because it provided me with the opportunity to positively impact my community. 

Last year, I wanted to learn about the different avenues I might explore that could deepen my impact on cancer patients and their families. I learned about the Cancer Action Network and immersed myself with the organization through Lobby Days, writing articles in support of our federal initiatives, and speaking at ACS events. Serving on the California Emerging Leaders Council has allowed me to collaborate with young professionals across California to achieve a common goal.

My goal of ending the suffering from cancer has stayed constant throughout my volunteership with ACS; throughout high school though, the way in which I work to achieve this goal has evolved. I’ve come to realize that this movement must start and end by initiating important conversations in the political space, whether that be at the county, state, or federal level. The important impact that our organization creates in the cancer space all starts with our volunteers. I’m thrilled to be working with passionate young professionals from across the state to eliminate mortality rates from cancer through political advocacy. 
